Laryngitis and the Singer

If you haven’t joined the FREE community leave your email and receive my Cheat Sheet for Optimal Vocal Coordination. It will take you through the 7 steps to create your easiest singing! I recently went through a cold that pretty much only existed in my...

Lamperti Lesson | The Breath is the Bow

Everyone knows that the breath is a very important piece of the vocal puzzle. But what many don’t recognize is the breath is only productive if it is feeding the vibration of the vocal cords. The breath is not helpful, in fact it is harmful, if it is just going...

The Role of the Mouth in Singing

Today I have a video for you about the role the mouth plays in singing. It might seem obvious that the mouth is a major part of the vocal instrument, but there can be confusion on just how it should be used. Traditional instructions like, “the pharynx is the...

New Year

Here we are starting another new year. This is the time we traditionally make resolutions and set goals to improve our lives. Unfortunately, for many their resolutions don’t last beyond January. I’ve never been a big resolution person. I’ve always tried to just...