by Michael Mayer | Jun 18, 2018 | Connection, Glottal/Cord Closure, Instinctive Function, Mental-Physical Relation, Perfect Attack, Speaking, Uncategorized
In this video I explain a concept I often use in my teaching. You may have heard people say that a voice speaks well or doesn’t speak when describing a singer. They are referring to how immediate the sound appears. Well produced voices seem to be audible in an...
by Michael Mayer | Dec 26, 2010 | Instinctive Function, Natural Singing, Q&A, Style
Contrary to what some “modern vocal coaches” will try to tell us, it is indeed possible to competently sing many styles using classical technique. However, many people seem to think that an open throat is what causes people to have the characteristic...
by Michael Mayer | Aug 31, 2010 | Function, Instinctive Function, Singing, Villazon
Tim: I guess my evaluation of Rolando Villazon goes back to my days as a basketball coach. I used to have kids who had great skills honed by daily hours spent on the playground. They could really play the game in such a way that it was beautiful just to watch their...
by Michael Mayer | Jun 16, 2010 | Instinctive Function, Perfect Attack, Singing
“If I’m not mistaken, you have mentioned several times that, based in your experience, you consider vocal function to be physiological and to a certain degree innate. Or at least inherent to the physiological reality of the phonating organs. You have also...
by Michael Mayer | May 22, 2010 | Instinctive Function, Natural Singing
I am just shocked and amazed at how complexity distorts reality. If we are not grounded in the fundamental truth, we can go bananas so easily! It’s all so simple and it scares me how complicated and disconnected from the ground we can be!...