by Michael Mayer | Dec 14, 2017 | Function, Technique, Video
If you haven’t joined the FREE community leave your email and receive my Cheat Sheet for Optimal Vocal Coordination. It will take you through the 7 steps to create your easiest singing! If you are reading this you are probably interested in vocal...
by Michael Mayer | Mar 21, 2016 | Function, Non-Classical Singer, Podcast, Video
Welcome to the next episode of the masterclass Podcast Series. Before getting to the next episode I want to thank the several people who have contributed financially using the Donate button on the Home Page. That is certainly a welcome way to show how...
by Michael Mayer | Sep 8, 2010 | Function, Guest Author, Teaching, Voice Teacher
A long-time reader contributed these comments to my post about Vocal Problems. I felt they were so important I made a post just for them so they wouldn’t be missed. She speaks from many years of experience and I appreciate her continued support. I hope everyone...
by Michael Mayer | Sep 7, 2010 | Function, Q&A, Tension, Vocal Abuse
I am suffering from hoarseness while singing and i cannot sing in a soft tone anymore. I have chronic laryngitis, and its pretty annoying because that is causing a lot of problem to my voice. I have been to several ENTs but they all said my throat is fine, there are...
by Michael Mayer | Aug 31, 2010 | Function, Instinctive Function, Singing, Villazon
Tim: I guess my evaluation of Rolando Villazon goes back to my days as a basketball coach. I used to have kids who had great skills honed by daily hours spent on the playground. They could really play the game in such a way that it was beautiful just to watch their...
by Michael Mayer | Mar 22, 2010 | Dark Resonance, Function
Decibelomaniac…I had the pleasure of hearing Ms Bartoli in the greatest and most important halls in Europe, with – contrary to some US halls – marvelous acoustics. E.g. the Berlin Philharmonic with almost 3000 seats – she filled and coloured...