I wanted to talk a little on what my purpose is with this blog. From some of the comments I’ve received, both public and private, it seems like some people have the wrong idea of what I’m doing. First let me state that no one is going to learn how to sing from reading this blog, my web site, or any other. The same applies to books, CDs, and videos. These things very well may help people better understand the concepts involved and may even guide them to improvement. But there is almost always an uncertainty that lingers asking, “am I doing this right?” That question can only be answered by an experienced person to guide their progress.

I understand this limitation. So I have no intention of trying to actually teach people how to do the things I’m talking about. I can only do that directly in a one-on-one situation where I can give immediate feedback. What I am trying to do is present concepts, principles, even ideas that people may not be aware of. I do this in a hope of stimulating some thinking and curiosity. Maybe even guide someone in a direction that helps to overcome a problem, or at least understand a little better why they are experiencing it.

That is basically all. I have started to provide examples of some things I find worthwhile. It doesn’t mean they are the absolute best. They are just one example of something good. There are many examples and no one has the time to cite them all. As far as me providing examples myself. That is something I intend to do. But just like the understanding of the voice comes gradually, so does the development of this blog. To criticize me because I don’t have recordings of myself singing and performing is, from my perspective, unfair and irrelevant. I’m not trying to promote my singing. I would have a separate website for that anyway. If examples of me demonstrating things I talk about is what is wanted, then it is planned but I just haven’t done any of that yet.

I know I can’t avoid all criticism. That would not be realistic. But to criticize me says more about the critic than it does about me. It shows that they have not taken the time to try and understand what I’m talking about. I’m not trying to force anyone to believe what I’m saying, so no one should feel threatened. Hopefully everyone can come to this information with an open mind and some objectivity. We can only know what we have experienced. And if you haven’t experienced what I’m talking about it might not make any sense. But the remedy for that is to investigate it and experiment yourself. You are not going to get it by just believing me or by me trying a hundred different ways of explaining it. The responsibility is always with ourselves, not someone else.

I think this might be the most important thing I can communicate. The ability to hear function, as well as coordinating our vocal function, takes time to develop. The brain and the body take time to acclimate to new experiences, ideas, and concepts. Keep investigating and exploring what is possible. Don’t limit yourself to a method or a technique. Try to see what is real. Look to nature to guide you.

Another key point that I want people to understand is even though I studied with David Jones, I am not limited to his opinions and assessments. Before I ever met him I was interested in exploring and understanding the concepts that were expressed by Giovannin Battista Lamperti. These are mostly found in the book “Vocal Wisdom”, which is where the name for my web site comes from. I was attracted to David’s teaching because of the Swedish/Italian School being associated with Lamperti and representing the same concepts. But it is important to recognize that the Swedish/Italian School doesn’t have any value in itself. It is the fact that this school of thought followed the principles of natural function that makes it worthwhile. The same applies to Lamperti. He expressed things in such a way that sometimes it is hard to understand what he’s talking about on first reading. But that is the enigmatic nature of the truth. It takes a little mental struggle to grasp it. There is a quote that represents this I thought was from Liszt, but I can’t find it. It goes something like “Art doesn’t give up her secrets easily.” I can’t remember it exactly, but it applies here.

So I am trying to follow the same example as Lamperti of looking at the principles of natural function as my guide. Not some method or technique. It is human tendency to want to follow someone or something. It happens in all aspects of our lives. But whenever we follow something we have created a layer of interference between us and spontaneous action. And that is what is natural. So there really is no method or technique. There just is what exists. Any attempt to have more than that is an interference that limits our performance.

One of my clients shared with me something the pop-star Usher said on American Idol last week. He emphasized the importance of a performer “connecting with the audience”. This is a widely recognized characteristic of good performance. And I agree with it. If we don’t the audience doesn’t receive our expression. My client made a very interesting observation about this concept. She said if, as many spiritual thinkers and philosophers have stated, we as human beings are naturally connected then why is it so hard to connect to an audience. It seems like something we are trying to do but shouldn’t need to try to do because it already exists. I found this to be a very interesting idea to explore. It makes me wonder if when we perform we create blockages or interference in the energy that normally connects us with others. I don’t know for sure, but it is something to think about.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. I thank you for reading and hope you find the information here helpful.