by Michael Mayer | Jan 6, 2012 | Dark Resonance, Facial Resonance, Low Larynx, Open Throat, Video
My previous post stirred up quite a bit of activity. That’s great. Pretty much everybody who commented was of the opinion that the demonstration of how to sing opera was severely misguided. That is also a very good thing. But I want to go deeper into this topic...
by Michael Mayer | Dec 7, 2011 | Balanced Function, Low Larynx, Q&A, Uncategorized
I am an old man, nevertheless I still enjoy singing and I can throw down a good Di Provenza or Valentin Aria. My question is that all my life my singing teachers and fellow singers kept telling me that the voice should be placed high and forward. So I tried to place...
by Michael Mayer | Dec 21, 2010 | Low Larynx, Q&A
I understand that the larynx needs to remain in a slightly lowered position than normal speech for singing, which is generally achieved through deep inhalation. Some students really struggle to keep it stable as they ascend the scale. I think it just comes with time...