In this class I discuss some aspects of resonance. This is in response to a two-part question. The first part asking what are the key points to assure the presence of resonance consistently.
The second part asks the validity of relying on the sensation of acoustic waves reflecting in the mouth. For example, more on the hard palate in the lower range progressing to the soft palate in the high range.
Listen to find out my advice on these topics and how to coordinate our resonance in general. I also give you some simple ways to accomplish a balanced resonance condition and what to avoid.
Leave your comments and question below. Thanks!
I think it is the kind of lifting the cheek bones like in yawning.
In the past, I have been trying to find a “correct placement” for singing each note hoping to fix my breathy problem. As a result I have created tension in my jaw, throat and even my chest and this is damaging my voice. Since reading your articles and watching your videos, I now focus on the cause and on the acoustic form. I find this very effective and the effect just comes and singing is now more enjoyable! Thanks a lot!
Thanks Michael, I will work with that. Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Joe
Thanks for your question, Joe. Because this is a tricky concept I’m sure many have the same question. This is actually a concept that is part of the tradition of “Italian” School singing. One way I remember it being described was smiling and puckering at the same time.
The way I recommend creating it is by smiling first. Not a big smile but more just a pleasant smile to yourself. It needs to be sincere, though. Because only with a real smile do we get the lift in the face around the nose and under the eyes. This is what we are after with the smiling part.
Then once we have the lift in the face we keep that while bringing the corners of the lips in and lengthen the jaw. As we do this the lips will pretty naturally flower forward. It is important not to drop the face while bringing the lips forward.
This should all be very flexible and easy to do. If we feel tension it is because we are trying too hard to do something unnecessary. The result should look fairly pleasant and not like a contortion. The lips should look basically vertically oval with some of the upper teeth visible.
Hope that helps.
Regarding the flowering of the lips. I have read your comments before advocating the lifting of the cheeks alla Bjoerling, and a slight showing of the teeth. How does one trumpet the lips and at the same time lift the lip to allow the teeth to show without spreading the upper lip and causing tension. Thanks