by Michael Mayer | Apr 14, 2014 | Glottal/Cord Closure, Phonation, Q&A, Yawn
I would like to inquire about resisting the breath with the vocal cords. I’m having difficulty with the image you give of resisting with the larger muscles first then without. Could you explain it in a more detailed way or in another way, I would like to pursue...
by Michael Mayer | Aug 12, 2011 | Glottis, Phonation, Q&A, Vocal Fry
Had a conversation with another teacher today and she said the following: “When the folds ‘fry’, they rattle against each other – this is why it is also called glottal scrape – and there is a lack of periodicity in their vibratory...
by Michael Mayer | Dec 12, 2007 | Articles, Coup de Glotte, Manuel Garcia, Perfect Attack, Phonation
This is the Appendix from the book A Guide to Good Singing and Speech by Julian Gardiner. It explains the meaning behind this often confused concept in the most complete manner that I have found. The book is out of print so I am copying it in its entirety. It should...
by Michael Mayer | Sep 8, 2007 | breath, Jussi, Larynx, Phonation, Support
Michael, Thank you for your very interesting comments about phonation. I’ve never heard it discussed before. I studied voice for four years in my twenties, but neither of my teachers mentioned it. They concentrated on breath. Your judgment about Jussi’s...