Hello! There are some new things brewing here at VocalWisom.com and I just wanted to give you a little glimpse of what is coming.

First, if you have visited the site recently you probably noticed that we are going through a renovation. Everything is still there, it just looks different.

Second, I am working on the VocalWisdom Virtual Voice Class that has been simmering for much too long. This will be the most comprehensive resource for somebody interested in learning to understand their voice and how it works.

So if that interests you keep an eye out for an announcement and information explaining all about it. If you have suggestions there will be an opportunity for you to give those and help make sure it is the best it can be. Or you can give them now in the comments below.

Third, I’m working on some tutorials that will address some of the more common problems we face when developing our voice. If you have suggestions for common problems that you think I should include, you are welcome to share them in the comments below. Thanks.

And last, I am working on a few books to publish through Amazon’s publishing services. The first one scheduled is going to be a very inexpensive Kindle book that is a revised and expanded version of my “No. 1 Mistake Singers Are Making” article. It is an excellent introduction to the main concept that needs to be understood for balanced vocalism.

Another book will be a soft-cover (real) book that will be like a handbook for your voice. It will essentially be a printed version of the Virtual Voice Class and act as a text for those taking the class. But it will be available to anybody to print on demand at Amazon.com.

The last book I have planned will be an e-book called “The Secret of the Five S’s”. It will cover an Acronym that I developed. It is a tool to help remind us of the key points, and sequence, that need to happen to create the conditions necessary for reflexive vocalization. Like a quick checklist to make sure we are covering all of the bases in preparation to sing.

Thanks for being a member of the VocalWisdom.com community. And if you aren’t a member yet, go to the website and fill in the box with your email. You will get access to my special article “The No.1 Mistake Singers Are Making.”

If you like what you’ve seen here at VocalWisdom.com, visit us on Facebook and give it a Like. I’m thinking of making a Closed Facebook group for members of the VocalWisdom.com community. It will be free and give you a chance to discuss with other members and have more access to me as well. If you like that idea let me know in the comments.

Another Facebook thing I am considering is a live Q&A on the VocalWisdom.com Facebook page. This could be monthly, or if it is really popular maybe even more frequent. Let me know if that interests you.

And I should point out that as always I am available for individual coaching and recorded consultations to develop your understanding of how your voice functions. When you understand this it will completely redefine your singing. Thanks!

One more thing I forgot to mention. I have been working with a singer that was diagnosed with nodes for rehabilitation. She has agreed to keep a journal of the process to help me document her recovery. I will be sharing her story over time on the blog.