Today in the US we observe the life’s work of Martin Luther King, Jr. He is easily recognized as the most influential leader of the civil rights movement. But from high school, around the time the Government created the MLK holiday, I have had great respect for the work of Dr. King more than perhaps any other significant person in modern US history.
It might seem because his “day” often coincides with my birthday, as it does this year. But From the first time I heard his speeches I felt a strong affinity for what he stood for. He said things that I could hear myself say.
Since he is most associated with the civil rights movement many think of him as a leader of Blacks. But the reason I feel a connection to him is because I see him as a leader of people.
He spoke the truth, and truth doesn’t see color or creed. He was hated because of the color of his skin, but he spoke to those people as well as the ones who loved him.
I guess that is what it comes down to for me. Speaking the truth. And because of that and what he gave for us to recognize truth I ask you to think about what he was asking of us. Learn something about what he taught. Listen to or watch a speech of his.
As I mention, today is not only MLK day, but it is also my Birthday. For as long as I can remember my B-Day has always been a day that I feel generous. I have always wanted to give more on this day than any other, which seems a little backwards. And maybe that is why.
So in the spirit of my Birthday I am giving you the gift of a free, live 15 minute consultation. Just contact me through my Contact page and tell me you want to accept my offer. No strings, no obligation, no catch.
And to add to the fun, I’ll only be accepting replies until the end of tomorrow, Jan. 22, 12:00 midnight, CDT. This is my “Thank You” for reading this post in a timely fashion.
Thank you, Chris and Simon. I appreciate everything.
Hope you had a lovely birthday Michael!
Many Happy Returns, Michael! There is a lot to be said for seeking the truth. In my experience, I have found that it is far easier and more politically correct to practice advocacy than objectivity. People get very uncomfortable and even outraged if you question conventional wisdom or the ‘consensus’. I imagine that it must have been absolutely baffling for some people during the Civil Rights’ Movement as to why black people deserved equal rights. It seems bizarre to imagine anyone being so utterly blinkered; yet in 50 years’ time, people will be saying the same things about our antiquated ‘norms’. That idea certainly makes you think twice about what it is you think you ‘know’ and what might simply be a cultural meme masquerading as fact.
I also value the importance of being diligent in the pursuit of truth, as you know, from my own vocal experiences. (For those who didn’t know, sorry to bore you!) I have spent 5yrs and thousands of dollars seeing medical experts in an attempt to find out why my vocal function was deteriorating – it’s one thing to have some trouble singing, but I was struggling to even talk! I eventually moved to Canada out of frustration (among other things) and have now found the cause of the problem. But the damage is done, and it’s too early to say if I’ll ever have a free instrument. But the point is that had I been satisfied with dismissive prescriptions for Proton Pump Inhibitors or let people who treated me like a hypochondriac get to me, I’d be just another miserable sadsack slowly dying in a cubicle somewhere – but at least I’d fit in, right? Sure, I lost a few friends and made a few enemies along the way, but now I have a chance to correct my issues and even a shot at a career! And possibly, more importantly, I grew a little.
I’m certainly not comparing myself to MLK or my situation to the Civil Rights’ Movement, but I do feel a greater understanding of, and appreciation for, all those people in history who refused to accept the status quo. And oddly enough, it is history that remembers those individuals, not the faceless masses too afraid to rock the boat.
I often wonder how many people out there have been in the same boat as me, but gave up just shy of finally uncovering the truth or making a difference? You really do have to be relentless in this life; there are no passengers in the pursuit of truth.
Michael, thank you for your generous offer; at those bleak times when I have almost given up, the valuable information and discussion on this blog have been the support I needed to regroup and keep going. I often read David Jones’s FB page and am always blown away by the generosity and supportive kindness demonstrated by the people involved in the Swedish-Italian school of singing, and you are no exception.