Video – Head Voice or Falsetto

There are a lot of differing opinions about what Head Voice and Falsetto are. Some use the terms interchangeably while others consider them to be different things. I am one that thinks of them as different. For me Head Voice is a true voice that is generally...

Q&A – Finding a Voice Teacher

I used to sing when I was younger (18 and under) and always thought I would pursue music. However after getting married I left it all behind. I had always been told that I have a very pleasant and soothing voice over the years. I missed music but lost interest in it...

Q&A – Losing Falsetto

I am a 23 yr old male singer, and I have found that over the past few years I have gradually lost the ability to sing in falsetto. I started having singing lessons when I was 18, and it was decided that my voice was in the baritone-tenor range. Even though singing...

Q&A – Falsetto

I am a female chorus teacher and have a difficult time explaining to my male students how to sing falsetto. What is the best way to “explain” to them how to sing in falsetto? Thanks...