The Starting Point for Every Vocal Question

I recently asked the community to share with me the two biggest questions they have about their voice, and the response was great. There were questions of all different kinds. There were general questions that most of us have had at some point. There...

Announcement and a Favor

Hello, I’m working on a new class and I could use your help. If you could do me a favor, I’d really appreciate it if you could answer a question for me. What are your two top questions about your voice? Now, I know I’ve asked this before, but there are a lot of new...

Exercise Habits for the Singer

What other habits have you integrated into your daily routine unrelated to the actual act of singing, especially regarding physical fitness. (I’ve already seen some general guidelines like drinking enough, being aware of surrounding noise, etc., so I’m...

Updates from

Hello! There are some new things brewing here at and I just wanted to give you a little glimpse of what is coming. First, if you have visited the site recently you probably noticed that we are going through a renovation. Everything is still there, it...

Q&A: What is your personal daily routine?

On the one hand, how do you personally warm up your voice, exercise it and warm it down. Especially helpful would be some guidelines on repetition count or time duration per exercise (if general guidelines can be formulated that would be even better), as I’m...